

英语老师兼网球教练. Gerard Sullivan has been teaching the students of Fenwick for 36 school years.

GS: I grew up in small town / rural Wisconsin in the 1960s-70s in a family of seven kids, one of many big families among my relatives and friends. 我的父母年纪更大, 30多岁结婚, so I heard many stories about life during the Great Depression and WWII while the times we lived in were sending very different messages. T在这里 were only 16 students in my grade at the local Catholic grade school but we managed to field football, 篮球队和摔跤队. We had many Franciscan nuns teaching in the school and an old priest from Italy. Those early years were the most formative part of my education. 我也上过公立高中, earned my bachelor’s degree at UW-Madison (English and education) and did my master’s at UIC (English) while teaching at Fenwick.

What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?
GS: 我大学一毕业就在esball世博工作. T在这里 happened to be several English openings that year. 我看起来是那么年轻,以致于Mr. Heldmann, who was Dean of Students, stopped me in the hall and asked what I was doing out of class! I had managed to do some interesting things during my college years. I studied in France, worked summers gutting fish in Alaska and student taught in Ireland. 所有这些都是很棒的经历.

GS: 今年, the Norton Anthology of English Literature and three 19th Century English novels have commanded most of the reading time that I have apart from student papers and emails. I’m teaching a section of Honors English IV for the first time so I’ve had to learn the material on a deeper level.
我读的最后一本小说是 五分钱男孩 科尔森·怀特海著. 这是一本很有力量的书.
I’m also a voracious reader of good journalism. I like book reviews and obituaries because they convey viewpoints and life stories that I would never know otherwise. (出于同样的原因, I would just as soon have an interesting conversation with a person as read something!)

What interests do you pursue outside of the classroom?
GS: 没什么太复杂的. 我喜欢户外活动——散步, 徒步旅行, 打网球, going with my wife to places around 在这里 or to Wisconsin; also doing things around the house: kitchen work, 院子里工作, 修理东西. I like doing a hard Sudoku and studying other languages. Also talking with my son and daughter (in their 20s) to hear how they are doing.

To what teams and/or clubs did you belong as a student?
GS: 运动是我记得的. Hockey from the age of 8 on was a great experience. 我在田径和足球方面都尽力了. 和我的朋友一起做其他运动. 在那些日子里,我们在户外长大.

Which clubs/sports/activities do you run at Fenwick?
GS: 网球-男孩和女孩. I started coaching tennis before I knew much about it, so I’ve been a student of the game. 这里面有很多东西. A team playing an “individual” sport can create an incredibly supportive dynamic. I love seeing our players grow during the season. It’s great to have other Fenwick teachers help out and have that experience, too. I’m so impressed with the success in academics and in life that our team’s alumni have had.

What quality/characteristic marks a Fenwick student?
GS: 他们互相支持. 他们是来接受挑战的. They don’t seem to need or want a lot of recognition, but it’s still great to give it to them.

When did you decide to become a teacher, and why did you choose this field?
GS: As a high school senior, I had moments when I knew I would like to teach and could do it well. Then I forgot about it until I was finishing my English major and the next thing you know, 我在esball世博教书!

What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your teaching?
GS: The same as any teacher: willingness to “put in the reps” and a love of the subject. 教学是劳动密集型的. As in a sport, when a leader sets a work rate, others will follow. If the teacher is energized, good things happen.

GS: 任何英语课.

What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?
GS: 教学的唯一成功在于学习. I strive to get something good started and get out of the way at the right time. It’s like letting go of the bike when a kid learns to ride. That’s a great feeling, and every time it happens it’s the greatest success possible.

GS: 选择太多. 这可能会让人头脑麻木. 现在人工智能将为他们做出选择! 这就是为什么像我们这样的学校如此重要. We keep students grounded in the most important values so they start to make morally sound choices without hesitation. Then habits are shaped and an excellent life will follow.
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