Faculty Focus

Faculty Focus: November 2021

认识一下西班牙语老师和esball世博大学96届校友Marianne Palmer Carrozza, who is in her third year back at Fenwick!
What is your educational background?
MC: 我在伊利诺伊州的西泉市长大,上的是公立文法学校和中学. 我有机会进入esball世博大学,帮助开创了第一届女生班. After graduating Fenwick, I attended St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame. 我还拥有多米尼加大学(River Forest)的教育学硕士学位。.
我爱上了西班牙的语言和文化,我在圣. Mary’s. 我有机会去西班牙塞维利亚留学. 就在那时,我决定我必须分享这种美丽的语言和文化. When I graduated from St. 玛丽回来后,我回到塞维利亚教塞维利亚人英语. 我在塞维利亚生活和工作了大约一年才回家.

MC: 在esball世博之前,我在南荷兰的西顿学院教书. Sadly, the school has since closed. At Seton, I was World Language Department Chair, part of the discipline board, co-directed the plays and musicals, and moderated the Spanish Club.
When I left Seton, 我丈夫和我决定最好还是和我们的两个女儿呆在家里. Though I was busy being a mom, I tutored high school students; many of them were Fenwick students!
当我的女儿们稍大一些的时候,我在圣. Luke [River Forest]成为西班牙语的全职代课老师. 虽然学校很棒,但高中教学是我的乐趣. 有机会回到esball世博,我很兴奋能重新开始我的教学生涯. Walking into Fenwick everyday gives me great joy.

MC: 在课堂之外,我喜欢与家人共度时光. 我丈夫和我有两个女儿,一个上七年级,另一个上三年级. Their activities keep me very busy. I also enjoy traveling. 我通常每三到四年有机会去西班牙旅行一次. Hopefully this summer I will be able to visit.

MC: 当我还是esball世博的学生时,我游泳和打水球. I was the shallow end goalie for our team. If you look hard enough in the Digital Resource Room, 有一张我和女子游泳队以及教练的合影, Coach Perry and Coach Caliendo.

Which clubs/sports/activities do you run at Fenwick?
Though I am not currently a moderator, 我尽量参加至少一项体育赛事,以及戏剧和音乐剧以及其他学生活动.

What quality/characteristic marks a Fenwick student?
MC: esball世博的学生有一些特别和独特的东西, 我一眼就能看出来这个学生来自esball世博. Fenwick students are true Friars: Yhey are studious; they care about their work; they are kind. They are also caring and polite. Once a student graduates from Fenwick, 总有一些东西会留在你的内心——无论是你的凯洛斯经历, classmates, or a teacher that made an impact on your life. 我们向学生灌输一种动力,使我们真正独特,并准备成为世界上的积极力量. Once a Friar, always a Friar.

MC: 我决定教书是因为我喜欢西班牙语和西班牙文化. I love to study the language, the words, 以及不同口音和方言的不同发音方式. I also love Spanish culture as well as lifestyle. 我觉得我可以把这种爱和激情在课堂上传播给我的学生. I have always loved teaching. 当我还是个小女孩的时候,我会在我的地下室做一个虚拟教室. 我会“批改”试卷,让我的学生(娃娃)在黑板上写字. 

MC: I am a very organized person. I plan out everything and write everything down. In my classroom, there are no surprises. Everything is clear and direct.

What are your favorite classes to teach?
MC: I love all my classes. 每节课都为学生学习的西班牙语水平提供了不同的元素. For example, 我喜欢看到西班牙语的学生在语法和词汇上建立起小小的联系——向他们指出他们从哪里开始学习,并向他们展示他们学到了多少. My Advanced Placement class is also amazing. The entire class is usually all in Spanish. The students are outstanding, 我们用西班牙语进行了一些关于著名西班牙作家的精彩对话, painters and culture. 我在美联社最喜欢的时刻之一就是我们学习豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯的时候. There is always an aha 当学生意识到El otro故事的“秘密”时.

What is the greatest success you have had in teaching?
MC: 虽然我被提名过几项教学荣誉, including The Golden Apple, 我最大的成功是当我看到或重新联系以前的学生. 有时候我从来没有意识到我对别人的生活有多大的影响. Students have told me that because of me, they studied Spanish, or fell in love with the language and culture. 这个礼物给我带来了巨大的快乐,我可以分享我的礼物.

What challenges face students today?
MC: 我觉得现在的学生有了互联网,他们所需要的一切就在他们面前, phones, iPads. Everything is immediate. In my classroom, 从学生手写笔记和作业的意义上说,我更倾向于“老式”. I even encourage students to use a paper dictionary!
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